Thursday, September 29, 2011

So I'm writing a blog...

I have been asked a couple times by different people to write a blog. So here we go...

Getting to Juneau was quite an adventure in and of itself. Right after I bought my plane ticket and gave my two weeks notice for my summer job and told my school year job I wasn't coming back, I was the unfortunate victim of an epic water balloon fight. Tons of Xrays, CT Scans, 2 external pins and 5 internal screws later my very broken foot was on the mend but my trip was on hold. I spent 3 month laying on my parents couch, watching bad day time television(something I had never really done before), going to physical therapy and trying to get to a placed of "healed enough" to go to Juneau. After many tears and lots frustration, I made it. September 17th I boarded a plane out of BWI and 14 hours later I was in Juneau.
"What ARE you doing in Juneau?", you may be asking yourself. Well, the short answer is working. I got a job as a nanny and left a job where I was happy because it wasn't going anywhere for me. So now I'm in Juneau. Where it rains all the time but when the sun shines it takes your breath away. The mountains surround the town and beg to be climbed. There's lots of water and boats and not very many things to do. They have a Roller Derby team which will be my next adventure here. I can't wait til spring when a whole host of other options will open up for me. I'm planning on going to school here in Alaska in the spring.

So whats up with the title? Dear Men of Juneau? Well it started as a facebook joke. It seemed everytime I went walking on the street I would be hit on by some man being way to forward or just plain creepy. And so facebook statuses such as "Dear Men of Juneau, No I do not want to go see a bear at you hostel. and my age cap is about 42" have become a common part of my regular lexicon.

This is my adventure. This is my life. I can't wait to see what happens.